Sundberg, M. L. (2021). The consummate Skinnerian: Remembering Jack Michael.
Sundberg, M. L., & Schlinger, H. D. (2021). Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant: Remembrances of Jack Michael, Part 1.
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Sundberg, C. T., & Sundberg, M. L., & Michael, J. (2018) – Covert verbal mediation and matching to sample
Sundberg, C. T., & Sundberg, M. L., & Michael, J. (2018). Covert verbal mediation and matching to sample. The Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 109, 600-623.
Sundberg, M. L. (2017b) – Skinner’s book Verbal Behavior: It is certainly about time
Sundberg, M. L. (2017b). Skinner’s book Verbal Behavior: It is certainly about time. Operants,17-20, Issue 4.
Sundberg, M. L. (2017a) – Recollections of Jack Michael and the application of Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior
Sundberg, M. L. (2017a). Recollections of Jack Michael and the application of Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 33, 260-268.
Sundberg, M. L. (2016b) – The value of a behavior analysis of language for autism treatment (pp. 81-116)
Sundberg, M. L. (2016b). The value of a behavior analysis of language for autism treatment (pp. 81-116). In R. G. Romanczyk & J. McEachin (Eds.), Comprehensive models of autism spectrum disorder treatment: Points of divergence and convergence. New York, NY: Springer.
Sundberg, M. L. (2016a)- Verbal stimulus control and the intraverbal relation
Sundberg, M. L. (2016a). Verbal stimulus control and the intraverbal relation. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 32, 107-124.
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Sundberg, M. L. (2014) – The verbal behavior milestones assessment and placement program: The VB-MAPP (2nd ed.)
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Sundberg, M. L. (2013a) – A functional analysis of language
Sundberg, M. L. (2013b) – Thirty points about motivation from Skinner’s book Verbal Behavior.
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Michael, J., Palmer, D. C., & Sundberg, M. L.(2011) – The multiple control of verbal behavior
Sundberg, M. L., & Sundberg, C. A. (2011) – Intraverbal behavior and verbal conditional discriminations in typically developing children and children with autism
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Sundberg, M. L. (2010) – Questions on verbal behavior and its application to individuals with autism: An interview with the experts
Sundberg, M. L. (2010). Questions on verbal behavior and its application to individuals with autism: An interview with the experts. Behavior Analysis Today, 11, 196-205.
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